Starting mid-June grubs will be stopped before they even get started
It is that time of year again and grub prevention is on our mind…… they don’t have to be on yours!
During these mid summer months we have the ability to stop grubs prior to any damage to your lawns.
Most of us are familiar with the large white grubs that devour the root systems of our lawns. Grubs develop throughout the year and at this stage of their lifecycle they are in the egg state about to emerge into their first larval stage. By late summer/early fall, they would be fully developed and ready to EAT!
For over a decade, we have been working with chemistries that disrupt the life cycle of the worms and stop their development. Within the last 6 years our industry has further improved the effectiveness of the prevention and for the last 5 years we have seen nearly 100% success with this chemistry. This has been revolutionary in the success of our lawn programs. Prior to the ability to prevent these insects, we would begin watching for them in September. The symptoms start as dry, dehydrated looking grass. This was always the first clue. September is typically a very wet month and dry turf is unusual. That prompted us to dig deeper to determine the cause. The problem we faced was we had to see damage/stress in order to know the problem had started. With prevention, the damage/stress to your lawn never takes place.
Need Grub Prevention? Click Here

Nitrogen use has discontinued until October. Give us a call if you have any questions or concerns.