bed bugs

Bed Bugs – Before & After

Bed Bug Treatments The thought of having bed bugs terrifies most of us! Problem Solved Pest Control has been eradicating them for many years using a few different methods. The pest control industry has many different approaches to deal with these awful insects. Our treatments are extremely thorough, safe for our customers, cost effective and…

german cockroaches

German Cockroaches

Pests of any kind inside your home is not good. Most people hate cockroaches and realize the dangers they carry. Some people call these cockroaches Palmetto Bugs, but thats just a broad term used for all types of cockroaches. Here in Southwest Florida there are 2 main types of cockroaches most people encounter, American Cockroaches…

fire ant

Local Pest Control Company

Insects, bugs, rodents to name a few can be real pests! Here in Florida with the mild climate all year these pests can be much more of a problem than in other parts of the country. There are many pest control companies that will advertise on TV, send mail to your home and even call…